MERS/Goodwill Continues Successful Employment Initiative in FPSE

MERS/Goodwill Employment Services, located at the Adams Park Community Center and funded by WUMC, has placed over 80 Forest Park Southeast residents in employment within the last two years. WUMC contracts with MERS/Goodwill to have an office in FPSE and to directly target FPSE residents. Esther Williams, MERS/Goodwill’s Director of Community Projects, stated that, “We are proud of the fact that we have assisted so many FPSE residents in locating safe and stable employment. We have had such great success that now employers are requesting us to send them our FPSE participants.” Two of those employers who are requesting these participants are Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Each month human resources recruiters from the two institutions meet with MERS/Goodwill staff. The human resource recruiters notify MERS/Goodwill of available positions and MERS/Goodwill informs the recruiters of possible applicants. Williams believes that a quality connection with Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital is beneficial because of the institutions close proximity for ease of access, quality benefits, and the diversity of employment options. “The institutions have varied positions that meet most of the participant’s employment desires including administration, security, food service, transportation, and various medical related professions,” added Williams. In the last year MERS/Goodwill has placed 13 residents at Washington University School of Medicine or Barnes-Jewish Hospital. If you are interested in the MERS/Goodwill employment services, please call (314) 633-7916.

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